Eccles Mark Installation
Eccles Mark Lodge No 843. held their Installation Ceremony at Eccles Masonic Hall on Friday 11th March 2016.
Representing the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master was W.Bro. Melvyn Antony Cross, Provincial Grand Junior Warden, who following the opening of the Lodge was presented by W.Bro. Brian Lawrence Director of Ceremonies to the Worshipful Master Brother William Walker, who welcomed him to Eccles Lodge and hoped he would have a most enjoyable evening. W.Bro. Cross was accompanied by W.Bro. Graham T. Bailey Special Representative and W.Bro. Ian Edge P.G.Std.B.
Bro. David Marlor J.W., W.Bro. Ian Edge, W.Bro. Graham Bailey,
Worshipful Master W.Bro. Alan Perks, W.Bro. Melvyn A. Cross, Bro. William Reynolds S.W.,
W.Bro. William Walker I.P.M.M., W.Bro. Brian Lawrence D.C.
The Master Elect W.Bro. ALAN Perks Prov. Grand Steward was installed into the Chair of Adoniram by W.Bro. William Walker in a faultless and very professional manner, culminating in an excellent year in Office for him.
Worshipful Master being congratulated by W.Bro. Melvyn Antony Cross 
Prov. Grand Junior Warden representing the P.G.M.
The Address to the Brethren was given by W.Bro. Melvyn Cross who also on behalf of the P.G.M. congratulated the Worshipful Master for taking the Chair again and wished him good health for the ensuing year and hoped he had a candidate or two to Advance during his year. He further stated that had the P.G.M. been present that evening he would have been very pleased to witness such an excellent ceremony conducted by W.Bro. Walker and went to congratulated him personally.
The W.M. then presented W.Bro. Cross with a cheque for £200 for the West Lancs. Mark Charities the Lodge also donated £75 to the Eccles Hall Building Fund.
W.Bro. Graham T. Bailey Special Representative,
Worshipful Master W.Bro. ALAN Perks, W.Bro. IAN Edge P.G.Std.B.
The Social Board was enjoyed by all, plenty of good banter and good food.
In response to the Toast to Provincial Officers W.Bro. Cross congratulated the W.M. and his I.P.M for an excellent ceremony, also to the Master
on his promotion in May to Prov.G.J.D. and W.Bro. Brian Lawrence D.C. on his promotion to P.Prov.D.G.Swd.B.
W.Bro. William Walker I.P.M.M. congratulates the Worshipful Master.
Before the final toast of the evening W.Bro. Cross presented the Worshipful Master his I.P.M. and the Special Representative with a
yellow knitted duck containing a Cadbury's Cream Egg. Not to be out done the W.M. then presented him and the S.P. with a box of Eccles Cakes as is the custom of Eccles Mark Lodge at Installation Meetings.
Report and Photographs Courtesy of Graham Bailey